Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What Aspects of Depression are show in Children,...

Why do we become happy, sad, mad, or upset? Why are some days good while others are bad? We smile, cry, laugh, frown and this is a continuous cycle throughout life. Individuals describe depression as a state of sadness and confusion that humans face, but in reality depression impacts much more than one’s mood or behavior. I strongly believe depression is a mental health disorder, one in which people of society need to take more serious. I have been struggling with depression for quite a few years, as well as, witnessing close family members and friends who also face the daily challenges depression brings alone. It is hard to read the news headlines, of the traumatic stories of suicide. These individuals cannot handle the overwhelming†¦show more content†¦How Stuff Works published an article that states the different forms of depression. An article from Help Guide, a trusted non-profit resource, explains the importance of depression treatment options, medication, and t herapy. My final source is an article from University of Michigan Depression Center that explains depression across an individual’s lifespan. I spent a sufficient amount of time researching these sources to comprehend the importance my topic on depression. The article published by Burrow is significantly valuable because it explains the types of depression and the symptoms that are associated with it. Doom describes the connection between depression and the health effects, with an experiment of college students. How Stuff Works published the article â€Å"Understanding depression† by Betty Burrow and states the different symptoms and types of depression. Reactive depression is the most common form of depression. This type of depression is often a direct result from divorce, death, or chronic illness. A less common form of depression is Season Affective Disorder (SAD) and is caused from lack of sunlight exposure during winter months. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 888 Words

The Bombing of Hiroshima Nagasaki Would you kill a thousand to save millions? Well the drastic actions taken by the United States did save millions. There were two actions that had to occur to save the millions and end the war, the dropping of the two atomic bombs being the first of their kind were to be the most powerful bomb ever invented using atomic and nuclear forces so create it and packed over 20,000 tons of TNT and was about ten feet long. The bomber that transported and dropped them was called the Enola Gay’. The two Japanese cities’ that were struck by such creations were Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In this essay I will be discussing on how the actions taken by the United States of America were completely justified in dropping the two bombs as is established a future power image, saved millions, ended the war and ended the axis of evil. On August 6, 1945, during World War II an American B-29 bomber dropped the world’s first deployed atomic bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. Three days later, a second B-29 dropped another A-bomb on Nagasaki, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Japan’s Emperor 3 Chidiac Hirohito announced his country’s unconditional surrender in World War II in a radio address on August 15. Even before the outbreak of war in 1939, a group of American scientists–many of them refugees from fascist regimes in Europe–became concerned with nuclear weapons research being conducted in Nazi Germany. In 1940, the U.S. government began fundingShow MoreRelatedThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1720 Words   |  7 PagesPart A: Plan of Investigation To what extent did the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan justified? The Manhattan project was the reason the bomb, ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’ were dropped in Japan. The Manhattan project was created because America was frightened, that Germany was already creating nuclear bombs. ( So, America started the project in 1949. The reason Japan became the target was because, JapanRead MoreHiroshima And Nagasaki Bombing Of Hiroshima1206 Words   |  5 PagesWar Two Hiroshima and Nagasaki Bombing The Bombing In 1945, the US dropped 2 atomic bombs on the cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, causing hundreds of thousands civilian deaths. Some people say that this act helped to end the world war and save more lives, but others think that it was not needed and wasn t the cause of the Japanese surrender. Sequence of Events 5th August 1945 President gives approval to use bombs 6th August 1945 Bombing of Hiroshima 9th August 1945 Bombing of Nagasaki 15th AugustRead MoreThe Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki700 Words   |  3 PagesThe Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki The United States was completely unjustified in dropping the atomic bomb because it was used so we could have a sense of â€Å"power† over the rest of the world. President Harry Truman had paid no heed to his prior statements as to the intended use of the bomb; and not only had it violated the Hague Convention, but it also caused lifelong repercussions for Japan’s land and people. The United States, nearly 70 years later, has yet to apologize to the victims orRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1902 Words   |  8 Pages Hiroshima and Nagasaki altered the course of world events by starting the Cold War, ushering advancements in technology, and by influencing cultures worldwide. Occurring on August 6 and August 9 in 1945, the bombing of the cities set of a series of events that would forever change history. The United States and the Soviet Union emerged from the war as superpowers with seemingly limitless power. Their ideologies, however, contrasted greatly, and the once allied nations would turn against each otherRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1474 Words   |  6 PagesNuclear Paper: The Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki World War Two is arguably the most famous war in world history. It is remembered as a very tragic and influential historical event across the globe. Many countries joined the war at different times, but the general start date has been narrowed to the period of time between 1931 and 1939. The war was primarily between two main powers; the Axis nations, consisting of Nazi Germany, Italy, and Japan, and the Allied nations, led by Britain and CommonwealthRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1593 Words   |  7 Pages Bombing of Hiroshima On August 8th 1945 the first atomic weapon, a fission bomb, was dropped on the city of Hiroshima in an attempt to force the Japanese to surrender in World War II (Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 2009). This event exposed the danger of nuclear energy. This massive explosion demolished 90 percent of the city and immediately killed 80,000 people. This was only the beginning though, tens of thousands of innocent people died due to the aftermath of radiation exposure for anotherRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1165 Words   |  5 Pagesnot entered the war at the time. It wasn’t until after the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 that the U.S. had officially declared war on Germany and Japan. After Germany had agreed to an unconditional surrender, therefore ending the war in Europe, the U.S. was still at war with Japan and the U.S, hesitant to risk more American lives, made the difficult decision to drop the atomic bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both bom bings resulted in the instant deaths of about 135,000 people andRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1051 Words   |  5 PagesThe bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is one of the most talked about events in human history. It was the first and last time an atomic bomb was used in the history of the world. The bombing did not only mark the end of a battle with the Japanese but provided humanity a first-hand preview into the effects of the man-made device. Since the bombing there have been many discussions such as: who should possess such power, will mankind be the reason for its own demise, and why did America decide to useRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1559 Words   |  7 Pagesalready been devastated by airstrikes. It was hoped that the bombing of Hiroshima with an atomic weapon would cause Japan to finally surrender unconditionally. That did not happen. Three days later on Aug 9, 1945 Nagasaki was bombed with the second atomic bomb. Japan surrendered un conditionally Aug 14, 1945. The United States had already been bombing Japan for years with a net effect worse than the outcome of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but Japan did not show any signs of surrendering. Why did theRead MoreThe Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki1174 Words   |  5 PagesMorality of The Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki There have been various arguments regarding the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that continually surface as to whether it was necessary or morally right to drop the atomic bomb on Japan. Depending upon whose side of the argument you have heard causes one to question whether this was a morally right or wrong decision that was made. Serious reconciliation is needed due to this event, and both sides of the argument need to be strongly considered

Monday, December 9, 2019

Project Report for Warra State School-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Analyse the effectiveness of the school in managing their performance in relation to their competitors. Answer: Title of the school: The project report was organized for Warra state school. Aims The aim of the project is to analyse the effectiveness of the school in managing their performance in relation to their competitors. The performance indicators should be implemented for analysing the performance of the school. Objectives The objective of this paper is to Correlate the effectiveness of the school with the comparative competitors Measuring the satisfaction level of the student in getting quality of education from esteemed institution Implementation of intervention program for providing humanistic learning tactics to the student (Suryadi, 2017). Strategic plan for analysing the cost ratio efficiency with the regards to the success of the operational procedure undertaken Organization Goal The school is focusing to provide quality of education to the student so that they can sharpen their skills and expertise of academic qualification. The analysis of the performance indicators helps in measuring the efficiency of the operational program laid down by the institution for providing education. Performance Indicators The following table shows the list of performance indicator used for measuring the effectiveness of the Waara state school. Performance Indicators Activities Description Effectiveness Indicators Participation of school in the educational program Yes it participates in Index of community socio-educational advantage program (Meek and Lee, 2014) Retention program Yes because the school is having sufficient teachers to retain the student easily Primary and secondary graduation rate It is about 47% Student achievement in literacy It is about 18 % Student achievement in Numeracy It is about 25% Services Primary Education 47% Secondary education 25% Student satisfaction level The student are not satisfied with the educational program of the school which can be measured from the number of enrolment in the school which is around 11, in which 5 are boys and 6 are girls (Ballard, 2013) Student support services No pick and drop facility is provided by the school. Student participation Limited organization of the co-curricular activities program Library services Library facility is provided by the school to the student Sports activities and participation No organization of sport activities Health and recreational activities support The medical facilities are provided to the student. Regular check-ups for health are also arranged for them Efficiency indicators Cost per student full time equivalent-primary education It is about $ 110 Cost per student full time equivalent-primary education It is about $ 80 Literature Review The analysis of the performance indicator helps in managing the decision related to the betterment of the school performance. They are helpful in examining the term and conditions which are required to implement changes in the curriculum. New policies and standards should be developed to provide improved quality of education to the student for their bright future (Ishak, and Yusof, 2014). The proactive action plan should be developed for the forecasted changes required in the educational plan of the school. The simulation program should be organized to provide training to the student to work in the real life environment (Meyer, 2010). The clear specification of the educational objective helps in getting quality output in the educational program. The review of the educational procedures helps in involving new framework for monitoring of the education system to provide quality environment of education to the children (Wang, 2013). Action Plan to measure performance indicators Contingencies and Mitigation Strategies The performance of the school can be improved by providing financial aids to the school for renovation and providing pick and drop facilities to the student who are residing far from the school area. The marketing and advertising of the school should be done for increasing the number of student admitted to the school. New staffs should be arranged to provide quality of education to the student. The teachers should be well-versed in providing theoretical and practical knowledge to the students. The co-curricular activities should be arranged for the student for raising their interest in the schools activities. Results The assessment of the student performance after the implementation of the action plan helps in analysing the level of improvement noticed in the student performance (Annesley, 2016). The comparison of the student performance after deployment of action plan and before it helps in evaluating the result of the improvement plan developed for the Warra school. Recommendation It is recommended to deploy the performance indicator for analysing the development of the educational level in the school premises (Azma, 2010). The focus should be given on extending the strength of the school because it creates the environment of competition among the student and they work in achieving knowledge. The research question for the further study can be How the admission and strength of the Warra school can be improved? Conclusion The research study on the school helps in analysing the efficiency of the performance indicators which are deployed in the school premises to measure the level of education. The analysis of the performance helps in developing the action plan to improve the performance of the school and a program to increase the strength of the school. The marketing and advertising of the school should be done for increasing the number of student admitted to the school. References: Annesley, B. (2016). Performance indicators for New Zealand Schools: The problems and the potential. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from Azma, F. (2010). Qualitative indicators for the evaluation of universities performance. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from Ballard, P. (2013). Measuring performance excellence: Key performance indicator for institution accepted into the academic quality improvement program. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from Ishak, M., and Yusof, Y. (2014). Performance measurement indicators for academic staff in Malaysia. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from Meek, V., and Lee, J. (2014). Performance indicators for assessing and benchmarking research capacities in universities. . Retrieved from Meyer, R. (2010). Value added indicators for school performance: A primer. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from Suryadi, K. (2017). Framework of measuring key performance indicator for decision support in higher education institution. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from Wang, X. (2013). Performance measurement in universities. ebook 1.ed. . Retrieved from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Visual Argument Essay free essay sample

The argument of the piece is that the NRA is a major part of the gun violence problem in the United States. Zyglis may have pleased his audience with similar views on the topic, but he may not be changing anybody’s mind if they do not hold a more liberal stance on the topic to begin with. The rhetorical devices of imagery and detail are used heavily in this picture. The gun is portrayed as a large, scary device, with certain aspects exaggerated such as the size of the magazine. LaPierre is drawn as very angry and hostile, holding the gun with a very hyperbolized crazy look on his face. The most noticeable detail in the picture is the gun’s scope looking back at LaPierre, adding irony behind his spoken statement, â€Å"Let’s focus on the source of our gun problem †. LaPierre also seems completely oblivious to the fact that the scope is pointed back at himself, which seems to imply that the NRA is almost â€Å"blind† to the problem. We will write a custom essay sample on Visual Argument Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Another detail is how LaPierre is using gun violence to try to stop gun violence, something that shows a lack of logic within the NRA, and there is the idea that they have the wrong ideals and methods when it comes to dealing with problems involving gun laws. All of these pieces of detail and imagery shape Zyglis’ argument he believes the NRA is a major part of the gun violence problem. The only clear rhetorical strategy used in this piece is the artist’s own ethos. Zyglis has been a cartoonist for over a decade, has been nominated and won many different awards for his work, and his pieces are internationally syndicated. He is a very credible source to his audience and to the newspapers that purchase his work. Zyglis’ use of his own ethos makes it so he seems qualified to state his argument in this subject. Adam Zyglis’ piece does reach and connect with the majority of his audience. It is effectively persuasive towards people who lean left in the gun control debate. As for with right-wing readers, he will not connect with them. His lack of strong rhetorical strategies leaves him open for argument from the opposition, and since his cartoon just states the argument and leaves it without an appeal to logic or emotion, it will just upset the conservative-minded. Zyglis does effectively reach his target audience, but in a way that is more â€Å"preaching to the choir† than persuading, and the argument made leaves room for attacks from anyone who disagrees.